Articles about Sam

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"Computer-Coded Game Hits the Deck," Chicago Tribune, 1983

"Telecommunications: High hopes again," Business India, 1984

"The hi-tech gift of Sam Pitroda," Business World, 1987

Magazine (Bengali), 1988

Maya Magazine (Hindi), 1988

"PARAM: Why An Idea is Not Enough," Horizons Magazine, 1992

"Development, Democracy, and the Village Telephone," Harvard Business Review, 1993

Halchal Magazine (Gujarati), 2002

"Hand Shake," India Today International, 2003

"On A Romantic Mission to Shake-Up the System," Times of India, 2005

"In India's Outsourcing Boom, GE Played a Starring Role," WSJ, 2005

"Out of the Box Thinking,", 2005

Abhiyan Magazine (Gujarati) , 2005

"Mahatma's Message," Overseas Indian, 2006

"Should Children Carry Caste Labels in This Age,?" India Today, 2006

"Sam Pitroda's One Wallet: Doing it His Way," IIT Institute of Design, 2006

"Genius Extraordinaire: Sam Pitroda," NRI Achievers, 2007

"Telecom Czar Focuses on His Next Big Thing," Chicago Tribune, 2007

"Luxury Consultant" (Spanish), Expansion Magazine, 2007

"Behind India's Rise as IT Power Lies 25 Years of C-DOT," Deccan Herald, 2009

"Information Needs to be Democratized," E:Gov magazine, 2010

"Play it Again, Sam," Hindustan Times, 2010

"It's a Journey, There Are No Destinations," Indian Express, 2010

"Pitroda Power," tabla! magazine, 2010

"Business India - Pitroda 3.0," Business India, 2010

"Creating a Knowledge Economy," CFO Connect, 2010

"A Day in the Life of Sam Pitroda,", 2011

"Let the Plumber Become an Agent of Change in India," Indian Plumbing Today, 2012

"Building a Better India," EBR, 2012

"Sam Pitroda wants social media to address poverty," FirstPost, 2013

"I Cherish my MSU Days," MSU interview, 2013

"India: A Vision for National GIS," ESRI ArcNews, 2013

"Sam Pitroda: India's Godfather of Innovation," Global Innovation Magazine, 2014

"Telephones That Transformed Lives"

"Sam Pitroda- High Priest of Indian Technology," New Swatantra Times

"Pitroda 3.0," Business India, 2010

"Pitroda 3.0," Business India, 2010

"Telecommunications: High hopes again," Business India, 1984

"Telecommunications: High hopes again," Business India, 1984

"Computer-Coded Game Hits the Deck," Chicago Tribune, 1983

"Computer-Coded Game Hits the Deck," Chicago Tribune, 1983

Bengali Magazine, 1988

Bengali Magazine, 1988

"Telecom Czar Focuses on His Next Big Thing," Chicago Tribune, 2007

"Telecom Czar Focuses on His Next Big Thing," Chicago Tribune, 2007

"Creating a Knowledge Economy," CFO Connect, 2010

"Creating a Knowledge Economy," CFO Connect, 2010

Maya Magazine, 1988

Maya Magazine, 1988

Halchal Magazine, 2002

Halchal Magazine, 2002

"PARAM: Why An Idea is Not Enough," Horizons Magazine, 1992

"PARAM: Why An Idea is Not Enough," Horizons Magazine, 1992

"Building a Better India," EBR, 2012

"Building a Better India," EBR, 2012

"India: A Vision for a National GIS," ESRI ArcNews, 2013

"India: A Vision for a National GIS," ESRI ArcNews, 2013

"Sam Pitroda- High Priest of Indian Technology," New Swatantra Times

"Sam Pitroda- High Priest of Indian Technology," New Swatantra Times

"Mahatma's Message," Overseas Indian, 2006

"Mahatma's Message," Overseas Indian, 2006

"Out of the Box Thinking,", 2005

"Out of the Box Thinking,", 2005

"In India's Outsourcing Boom, GE Played a Starring Role," WSJ, 2005

"In India's Outsourcing Boom, GE Played a Starring Role," WSJ, 2005

"The hi-tech gift of Sam Pitroda," Business World, 1987

"The hi-tech gift of Sam Pitroda," Business World, 1987

Abhiyan Magazine, 2005

Abhiyan Magazine, 2005

"Hand Shake," India Today International, 2003

"Hand Shake," India Today International, 2003

"Genius Extraordinaire Sam Pitroda," NRI Achievers, 2007

"Genius Extraordinaire Sam Pitroda," NRI Achievers, 2007

"On A Romantic Mission to Shake-Up the System," Times of India, 2005

"On A Romantic Mission to Shake-Up the System," Times of India, 2005

"It's a Journey, There Are No Destinations," Indian Express,2010

"It's a Journey, There Are No Destinations," Indian Express,2010

"Telephones that Transformed Lives"

"Telephones that Transformed Lives"

"Play it again, Sam," Hindustan Times, 2010

"Play it again, Sam," Hindustan Times, 2010

"Pitroda Power," tabla! magazine, 2010

"Pitroda Power," tabla! magazine, 2010

"Information Needs to be Democratized," e:gov magazine, 2010

"Information Needs to be Democratized," e:gov magazine, 2010

Sam Pitroda's One Wallet: Doing it His Way, IIT Institute of Design, 2006

Sam Pitroda's One Wallet: Doing it His Way, IIT Institute of Design, 2006

"Let the Plumber Become an Agent of Change in India," Indian Plumbing Today, 2012

"Let the Plumber Become an Agent of Change in India," Indian Plumbing Today, 2012

"Sam Pitroda Wants Social Media to Address Poverty," FirstPost, 2013

"Sam Pitroda Wants Social Media to Address Poverty," FirstPost, 2013

"I Cherish my MSU Days," MSU interview, 2013

"I Cherish my MSU Days," MSU interview, 2013

"Sam Pitroda: India's Godfather of Innovation," Global Innovation Magazine, 2014

"Sam Pitroda: India's Godfather of Innovation," Global Innovation Magazine, 2014

"A Day in the Life of Sam Pitroda,", 2011

"A Day in the Life of Sam Pitroda,", 2011

"Luxury Consultant," Expansion Magazine, 2007

"Luxury Consultant," Expansion Magazine, 2007

"Should Children Carry Caste Labels in This Age,?" India Today, 2006

"Should Children Carry Caste Labels in This Age,?" India Today, 2006

Articles by Sam

Network Switching, Wells Bindery, Waltham, MA, 1984

Network Switching, Wells Bindery, Waltham, MA, 1984

"Development, Democracy, and the Village Telephone," Harvard BusinessReview, 1993

"Development, Democracy, and the Village Telephone," Harvard BusinessReview, 1993

"Behind India's Rise as IT Power Lies 25 Years of C-DOT," Deccan Herald, 2009

"Behind India's Rise as IT Power Lies 25 Years of C-DOT," Deccan Herald, 2009



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